Extraordinary Stories
The heartwarming stories behind our 30 years of extraordinary.


Isa Garcia Sicam

Aziza Mondoñedo

Elvie Beltran
“To create, just continuously and passionately create, good, happy, long-lasting, even lifetime memories in very ordinary times…that is what makes it special.” 💌
Out of his and his wife’s passion for the extraordinary, Designer Blooms was born. Watch this episode of #ExtraordinaryStories and meet Ting Garcia, our founder and president.
designerbloomsph | Instagram
Extraordinary stories need extraordinary individuals. Meet the minds and hearts behind our 30 years of success.
At the heart of us all is a love like no other. This is Isa Sicam’s story about blooms and motherhood, one that transcends generations. ✨
designerbloomsph | Instagram
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been selecting arrangements from Designer Blooms for every special occasion to give to all those important in my life. My mom, my sisters, my god-daughters, my best friends, and also Nanay have been recipients of these exquisite flowers.
Designer Blooms has been a significant part of our lives, and as a long-time customer...I’m so happy to be celebrating their 30th anniversary with them.
Congratulations @designerbloomsph 🎊💐💖
Here’s my Extraordinary Story.
designerbloomsph | Instagram
Elvie’s story is one that inspires us to put thought and action into whatever life throws at us. 💌
Watch and listen to this story that helped make Designer Blooms what it is today.
designerbloomsph | Instagram